
时间:2023-12-31 16:57:53编辑:小蔡


孙浦阳,男,汉族,英国伯明翰大学博士、 英国诺丁汉大学学士。现任南开大学经济学副教授。研究方向为应用计量经济学、国际经济学等。代表作有《集聚对劳动生产率的动态分析:基于城市数据的验证》等。


孙浦阳,男,英国伯明翰大学(博士), 英国诺丁汉大学(学士) Uni. of Birmingham,UK (PhD), Uni. of Nottingham,UK 职 称:副教授 Associate Professor 研究方向:应用计量经济学(Applied Econometrics) 国际经济学(International Economics) 招生专业:1. Firm Activities in China 2. Energy and Environment in China 任校内外职务:系主任助理 Assistant Head of Department 南开大学经济学副教授.


孙浦阳, (1982.04)

经济学副教授, 经济学博士(英国伯明翰大学)

学历背景 Education Background

英国诺丁汉大学 计量经济学与经济学士学位(一等荣誉学位)

英国伯明翰大学 经济学博士学位(硕博连读, 英国ORS奖学金)

BSc Econometrics & Economics (Joint), University of Nottingham, UK, 2005

MSc Economics, University of Birmingham, UK, 2007

PhD Economics, University of Birmingham, UK, 2009




应用计量分析 (从2011年至今, 数理必修课程)




1. Financial Development and Enterprise Activities


2. Economic Growth with Energy & Environment Issues


3. Economic Growth with Nature & Climate factors





2012,负责子课题,2012年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项“12JJD790048” 的子课题

2010,参与2010年教育部重大攻关项目 “全球金融危机与国际货币金融体系改革研究”(09JZD0016)


2010,主持并负责 2010年夏季达沃斯经济论坛规划项目,"宜居城市的建立与设计", 达沃斯规划项目

2009,主持并负责“发展中大国金融发展的经济增长贡献分析", 南开大学青年青年项目, 2009.10

2010,主持并负责2010年教育部专项基金 "金融发展对于产业结构调整的影响:基于转型经济的研究"


Chapter 10, Does Chinese Financial Reform Improve Bank Performance? Evidence from Individual Commercial Banks, China's Development and Harmonization, Routedge, London, 2013 02


English papers:

《Size Effects on the transmission Channels from Finance to Growth》, Puyang Sun , Somnath Sen , Jiadong Tong, World Economy, 2011 05, Vol 34, Issue 5, p798-791

《FDI, Energy Intensity and Economic Growth: Case study of Chinese cities》, Robert R J Elliort, Puyang Sun, Siyang Chen, Energy Economics (final revised), forthcoming publication

《Do High-Technology Exports Cause More Technology Spillover in China?》,Qun Bao, Puyang Sun and Li Sun, China & World Economy, 2011, 03, Vol 20, Issue 2

《Equity Market Liberalization, Economic Growth and Inequality》, Puyang Sun, Somnath Sen, forthcoming in Economics, 2012 04

《Energy Distribution, Capital Accummulation and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidences from China》, Robert R J Elliort, Puyang Sun, Qiqin Xu, ready to submit Resource and Energy Economics,

《What is special about the extensive and intensive margins in Chinese manufacture exports?》, Yan Zhou, Jiadong Tong, Puyang Sun, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, accepted & forthcoming

《Is agglomeration harmful for productivity? A dynamic study of Chinese cities》, Puyang Sun, Ying Zhou, Qiqin Xu, be submitted to Review of Development Economics

《Climate Shocks and Economic Growth: Evidences in Chinese Cities》, Puyang Sun, Qiqin, Xu, working paper

《The sequeezed middle: political affilications and financial constraints in China》, Puyang Sun, Ying Zhou, submitted to Economic Letter

《Does monetary shocks affect the substitution of trade credits and banking credits: Evidences from Chinese firms》, Puyang Sun, Ying Zhou, working paper

《Demographic factors and environmental degradation: evidences with STIRPAT model in Chinese cites》, Puyang Sun, Lichao Wu, working paper


孙浦阳 等《集聚对劳动生产率的动态分析:基于城市数据的验证》,世界经济,2013.02

孙浦阳 等《集聚与经济增长的关系:基于政府治理视角的新思考》,世界经济,2011.10

孙浦阳 等《金融服务多样化是否改善了银行业绩?商业银行的实证分析》,金融研究,2011.11

孙浦阳 等《银行所有制与经营绩效关系的实证研究》,数量经济技术经济研究, 2010-12

孙浦阳 等《集聚对FDI的影响分析:服务业和制造业的比较》数量经济技术经济研究, 2012-10

孙浦阳 等《汇率调整是否能有效的改变贸易逆差?金融差异性的分析》,国际金融研究 2011-06

孙浦阳 等《金融发展对能源效率的影响:基于全球视角的实证分析》,南开经济研究,2011-06

孙浦阳 等《FDI与能源使用效率是线性关系么?不同经济模式的分类比较》,财经研究 2011-08

孙浦阳 等《金融发展对城市发展的影响:基于政府管理视角的分析》,现代经济科学,2011-03

孙浦阳 等《金融创新是否促进还是阻碍了经济增长:基于技术的分析》当代经济科学,2012-05

孙浦阳 等《发展中大国的金融发展与经济增长:基于规模效应的分析》,南开学报, 2010-01

孙浦阳 等《金融发展对国际收支失衡的影响:基于政府治理的视角》,世界经济研究,2010-05

孙浦阳 等《基于大推动模型分析外商直接投资对城市化进程的影响》,经济学家 2010-11





Conference and seminar presentation

1. CES annual conference 2011, presenting “Growth, Foreign Direct Investment and Energy Intensity: Evidences from Chinese cities”, Beijing, China, June 2011

2. CES annual conference 2011, presenting “Urban sprawl and arable land stress of agricultural production: Case study of Chinese cities”, Beijing, China, June 2011

3. Studies of International Finance annual conference 2011, “Does financial development affect the exchange rate? Evidences from emerging markets”, Beijing, China, May 2011

4. European Studies Annual Conference, presenting “Does Innovation in Financial Services Really Improve Bank Performance?Empirical Research on EU's Major Commercial Banks”, Beijing, May 2011

5. Fudan University, Development Economics International Seminar, presenting “Does foreign direct investment spur economic growth: the aftermath of the financial markets liberalization”, Shanghai, China, March 2011

6. University of Nottingham Ningbo China GEP annual conference 2010, presenting “Industry Specification, Outsourcing, and Wage Gaps: Evidences from Developing Countries”, Ningbo, China, Nov 2010

7. Trade and Development Annual Conference, “Does Agglomeration Spur Economic Growth? Exploring the role of Governance on linkage”, Nankai University, Nov 2009

8. University of Nottingham, UK, IFCCS annual conference 2009 in University of Nottingham, presenting “Does Banking Ownership Matter Performance: Empirical Studies for Contemporary China” , Nottingham, UK, September 2009

9. Singapore Economic Review annual conference, presenting “Size Effects on the transmission Channels from Finance to Growth”, Singapore, Dec 2008

