1.Yanli Liu, Xueying Qin,SonghuaXu, EihachiroNakamae, Qunsheng Peng. Light Source Estimation of Outdoor Scenes for MixedReality. Accepted by CGIu20192009 (To appear in The Visual Computer) (SCI)
2. Guofeng Zhang, Wei Hua, Xueying Qin,Yuanlong Shao, and Hujun Bao. Video Stabilization Based on a 3D PerspectiveCamera Model. Accepted by The visual Computer (SCI).
3. 钟凡,秦学英,陈佳舟,莫铭臻,彭群生:在线视频分割实时后处理。计算机学报, 第32卷2期,2009年2月,pp. 261-267。(EI)
4. G. Zhang, Xueying Qin, W. Hua, H. Bao. Robust Metric Reconstructionfrom Challenging Video Sequences. CVPR.2007.(EI,ISTP)
5. G. Zhang, W. Hua, Xueying Qin, T. Wong, H.Bao. Stereoscopic Video Synthesis with Commodity Video Camera. IEEETransactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 13(4): 686-696 (2007).(SCI,EI)
6. G. Zhang, X. Qin, X. An, W. Chen, H. Bao.As-Consistent-As-Possible Compositing of Virtual Objects and Video Sequences.Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds journal ( CASA2006), 17:305-314. (SCI,EI)
7. 章国锋,秦学英,董子龙,华炜,鲍虎军,面向增强视频的基于结构和运动恢复的摄像机定标。计算机学报, 第29卷12期,2006年12月,pp.2104-2111。(EI)
8. X. An, X. Qin, G. Zhang, W. Chen, H. Bao,Robust Camera Motion Estimation in Video Sequences. In International Conferenceon Computer Vision Theory and Applications 2006, Setúbal, Portugal, 25-28February, pp.294-302.(ISTP,EI)
9. X. An, X. Qin, H. Bao. Automatic and robustclassification of independent motions in video sequences. In IS&T/SPIE 18thAnnual Symposium Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 15u201319 January2006,San Jose,California,USA.(EI,ISTP)
10. Zhenlong Du, Xueying Qin, Wei Hua, HunjunBao. Salience Preserving Image Composition with Luminance Consistency.In Proc. of Intlu2019 Workshop on Intelligent Computing inPattern Analysis/Synthesis (IWICPASu20192006), LNCS 4153, pp. 308-316, Xiu2019an,China,2006. (SCI,EI)
11. Zhenlong Du, Xueying Qin, Wei Hua, HunjunBao. Shadow Removal in Sole Outdoor Image, In Proc. of 2006 Pacific-Rim Conf.on Multimedia(PCMu20192006), LNCS 4261, pp. 1006-1014,Hangzhou,China,2006.(ISTP,EI)
12. Z. Du, X. Qin, H. Lin, H. Bao. ShadowRemoval in Gradient Domain. Second International Conference on Image Analysisand Recognition, LNCS, Toronto, Canada, September 28-30, ICIAR 2005: 107-115.(SCI,EI)
13. Z. Du, H. Lin, X. Qin, H. Bao. Oriented Poisson matting. ICIR2005: II-626-634.(EI,ISTP)
14. E. Nakamae, X. Qin and K. Tadamura.Compositing of Computer Graphics with Landscape Video Sequences. Visualizationin Landscape and Environmental Planning u2013 Technology and Applications, editedby I. Bishop and E. Lange, published by Taylor & Francis, London and NewYork, pp.226-233, 2005.
15. Y. Nagai, K. Tadamura, X. Qin, E. Nakamae,Measurement of High Dynamic Range Luminance based on Video Signal, The Journalof The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Volume 59, No.10, 2005(EI).
16. G. F. Zhang, X. Qin, X. An, W. Chen and H.Bao. Seamless Compositing of Virtual Objects And Video Sequences. In Pacificgraphics 2005, pp.78-81. (poster )
17. X. Qin, E. Nakamae, W. Hua, Y. Nagai, andQ. Peng. Anti-Aliased Rendering of Water Surface. Journal of Computer Scienceand Technology, Sept. 2004, Vol.19, No.5, pp.626-632 (SCI, EI)
18. X. Qin, E. Nakamae, W. Hua, Y. Nagai, andQ. Peng. Anti-Aliasing of Reflection Effects of Water Surface. Proceedings of8th International Conference on CAD/Graphic, pp.61-66.(2003)(ISTP)
19. K. Tadamura, X. Qin, G. Jiao, Y. Nagai, E.Nakamae. Landscapes Taking into Account Optical Effects of Clouds. 画像电子学会志, 第32卷, 2003年,第四号,pp.346-354.
20. X. Qin, E. Nakamae, K. Tadamura and Y.Nagai. Fast Photo-Realistic Rendering of Trees in Daylight. Computer GraphicsForum (Eurographics 2003), Vol.22, No.3, pp.243-252.(SCI,EI)
21. X. Qin, E. Nakamae and K. Tadamura.Automatically Compositing Still Images and Landscape Video Sequences. IEEEComputer Graphics and Applications, Vol.22, No.1, Jan./Feb., pp.68-78. (2002)(SCI,EI)
22. K. Tadamura, X. Qin, Y.Nagai and E.Nakamae. Landscapes Taking into Account Optical Effects of Clouds. Proceedingsu2013 Industrial Systems and Engineering II, 6th World MultiConference onSystemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol.12, pp.85-90 (2002) (ISTP).
23. E. Nakamae , X. Qin, K. Tadamura and Y.Nagai. Fast Rendering for Photo-Realistic Trees in Daylight. Animation Theatersof SIGGRAPH 2002.
24. K. Tadamura, X. Qin G. Jiao andE. Nakamae. Fast Rendering Water Surface for OutdoorScenes. International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.313-327.(2001)
25. E. Nakamae, X. Qin and K. Tadamura.Rendering of Landscapes for Environmental Assessment. Landscape and UrbanPlanning, Volume 54, Issues 1-4, 25 May, Pages 19-32. (2001) (SCI,EI)
26. K. Tadamura, X. Qin, G. Jiao and E.Nakamae. Rendering Optical Solar ShadowsUsing Plural Sunlight Depth Buffers. The Visual Computer, Vol.17, No.2,pp.76-90. (2001) (SCI,EI)
27. X. Qin, K. Tadamura, T. Ishibashi and E. Nakamae. Composite Panned Landscape Video Sequenceswith Computer Generated Still Images. The Transactions of the Institute ofElectronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol. J83-D-II, No.4,pp.1140-1152. (2000).
28. E. Nakamae, X. Qin, G. Jiao, P. Rokita andK. Tadamura. Computer Generated StillImages Composited with Panned/Zoomed Landscape Video Sequences. The VisualComputer, Vol.15, No.9, pp.429-442. (1999) (SCI)
29. X. Qin K. Tadamura, Y. Nagai and E.Nakamae. Creating a Precise Panorama from Panned Video Sequence Images.Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.40, No.10,pp.3685-3693, Oct. (1999).
30. K. Tadamura, G. Jiao, X. Qin, N. Kato andE. Nakamae. Rendering Optical SolarShadows Using Plural Sunlight Depth Buffers. Journal of Information Processing,Vol.40, No.3, pp.1156-1168. (1999).
31. X. Qin, E. Nakama and K. Tadamura.Creating a Precise Panorama from Panned Video Sequence Images. Proc. of PacificGraphics, pp.6-11. (1999)
32. K. Tadamura, X. Qin, G. Jiao and E.Nakamae, Rendering Optical Solar Shadows Using Plural Sunlight Depth Buffers.Proc. of CG International, pp.166-173. (1999) (ISTP)
33. E. Nakamae, X. Qin, G. Jiao, P. Rokita, K.Tadamura and Y. Usagawa. Panned/ZoomedLandscape Video Sequences Composited with Computer Generated Still Images.SIGGRAPH’98 conference abstracts and applications, pp.279. (1998)
34. E. Nakamae, X. Qin, G. Jiao, P. Rokita, K.Tadamura and Y. Usagawa. ComputerGenerated Still Images Composited with Panned Landscape Video Sequence.Proceedings of the 1998 MultiMedia Modeling (MMM’98), pp.62-69. (1998) (ISTP)