Name:Viviana Sun 姓名:孙丽洁
Astrological sign:taurus 星座:金牛座
Height:167cm 身高:167cm
Weight:50kg 体重:50公斤
Languages:English, Mandarin 语言能力:英语,普通话
Character:urg…depends. A bit crazy sometime 性格:比较难预测
Hobbies:adventures, traveling, movies and music 嗜好:阅读,看电影,旅游
Favorite color:aquamarine 最心爱的颜色:水蓝色
Favorite bands:New Orders,Frou Frou 最喜欢的歌手:New Orders,Frou Frou
Favorite past-time :hanging out w/ friends 最享受的时间:和好朋友在一起
Favorite thing: all the animals on planet! 最享受的事:和动物在一起
Favorite weather:sunny days 最喜欢的天气:晴天
Favorite tagline: “Whatever…!” 最爱讲的一句话(最近喜欢讲):Whatever(正在改)
Favorite animal:my dog named “kuku”, he recently ran away from home!! 最喜欢的动物:小狗酷酷(已走丢-_-)
Favorite aroma : scented candles 最喜欢的气味:一种香味蜡烛的味道
Tonji University Shanghai, PRC
BA, Television and Broadcasting,Public Relations